Monday 23 December 2013

Outlook 2011 email search missing

A few weeks back my outlook 2011 search was not returning all the results.  So to fix it I recreated the index file on the local drive.

To list status of the index:
$ sudo mdutil -s -a
Indexing enabled. 
Indexing enabled.

To erase and rebuild index:
$ sudo mdutil -E /Volumes/SSD
Indexing enabled. 

The search spotlight icon in the corner of your mac will have a little dot.

After the rebuild outlook will start to return all the results for email searches.

Saturday 16 November 2013

Capture OSX Screen with screenshot

Almost once a day I take a screenshot of something on my screen.  Here are the commands I use.

Press the following three keys:

[COMMAND]+[SHIFT]+[4]  To capture a screen with crosshair pointer with mouse area selection

[MOUSE CLICK and HOLD] to select the area
[MOUSE CLICK and HOLD] + [SPACE] to position selection
[MOUSE CLICK and HOLD] + [OPTION] to mirror select
[MOUSE CLICK and HOLD] + [SHIFT] to fix one dimension of the selection
[MOUSE CLICK and HOLD] + [ESC] to not capture screen
[MOUSE CLICK and RELEASE] to capture the area

[COMMAND]+[SHIFT]+[3] To capture the whole screen.

The screenshots get dropped into your desktop in PNG format.  So if you don't like it change it like this:

$ defaults write location [enter_path_here]
$ killall SystemUIServer

To change it back:
$ defaults write location ~/Desktop
$ killall SystemUIServer

Monday 9 September 2013

MS Project replacement for OSX MAC

This is a simple MS Project replacement that runs in OSX.  Opens and creates MPP files.  Add this to your tool kit of apps to move away from VMware.

GanttProject - (Open and Create MS Project MPP files) $0

Friday 23 August 2013

Remove OSX Mail inline attachment preview

If you like the attachments to stay as attachments you will need to disable OSX Mail inline preview like this:

$ defaults write DisableInlineAttachmentViewing -bool yes

$ defaults write DisableInlineAttachmentViewing -bool false

Sunday 18 August 2013

Outlook for Mac 2011 unread email fix

If your having trouble identifying unread emails this may be a good little fix.  However every time microsoft updates the office for mac 2011 you will have to re apply the mod.

Go to location:
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft

Replace Files:

OSX free up memory

In my travels I have discovered the purge command in OSX.  It forces disk cache to be purged (flushed and emptied).

man purge
