Monday 30 June 2014

Microsoft Lync for MAC 2011 Debugging connection issues

After installing Lync 2011 for MAC I needed to debug why it was not connecting correctly.  Here is how to enable and view debug information.

- Go to Lync Preferences.

- Tick the "Turn on logging for troubleshooting".
- Locate your debug logs in: /Users/myusername/Library/Logs/Microsoft-Lync.log

Saturday 21 June 2014

Outlook 2011 for MAC Identity control

One way to separate your work from home emails is the use of Outlook 2011 for MAC identities with the use of the Microsoft Database Utility

- Launch Outlook 2011 for MAC while holding [OPTION] key
- The following window will come up

- Rename the "Main Identity" to "Work"
- Create a new identity by clicking on the [+] button and name it "Home"
- Now click on button to make the "Home" identity default.

- Close down Microsoft Database Utility.

The identity is stored in:
/Users/<username>/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2011 Identities

Next time outlook is launched it will use a new database with new setting, contact, calendars and emails.  To swap between identities just launch outlook by holding [OPTION] key and set a new default.

Wireshark XQartz and OSX Mavericks 10.9.X

Clean install of OSX Mavericks and its time for first network utility.  Moving from old version of OSX I discovered Mavericks requires a separate installation of X11.

- and download XQuartz a X11 server.
- and download Wireshark network protocol analyser.

- Install both XQuartz and Wireshark in that order.
- Launch Wireshark
- Window will popup asking for X11 installation.
- Select XQuartz

- XQuartz and Wireshark OSX app launched, however wireshark X11 window will NOT pop up.

- Close down wireshark and XQuartz (in that order)
- Start up XQuartz.
- Start up some inbuilt X11 Applications. e.g.: Terminal, Xman, Xlogo.
- Start up Wiresharek again.After about 5 min wireshark X11 window will POP up. 
- After the initial problem wireshark now works every time.