Thursday 18 September 2014

WebDAV CIFS SMB NFS and .DS_Store don't mix in a Read/Write secure environment e.g.: Microsoft

Using OSX within a windows environment always has mixed results.  After some quick investigation I had discovered that OSX wants to always create .DS_Store file on both local and remote drives.   .DS_Store is a file that OSX uses to record data about the folder e.g.: view options etc.  Not the most important feature when its locking up / slowing down access. This is caused when you access WebDAV, CIFS, SMB and OSX does not have write access to create the file. 

To fix it open terminal and type the following:
defaults write /Library/Preferences/ ExternalVolumesIgnore -bool true

defaults write DSDontWriteNetworkStores -bool true

defaults write DSDontWriteUSBStores -bool true

Verify the setting:
defaults read

defaults read /Library/Preferences/

Microsoft Office 2011 Updates for MAC

Quick links to Microsoft Office 2011 MAC updates for next time I need to find it in a hurry.