Thursday 19 November 2015

TouchDraw, Visio for MAC equivalent Libraries / Stencils in .t2l format

TouchDraw (MAC Visio replacement) is relatively unknown and therefore hard to get 3rd party Libraries / Stencils.  Here is a first conversion of a stencil / template into TouchDraw Libraries format .T2L.

Converted File: iOS_7Wireframing_Kit.t2l
Converted File: Visio Network and Peripherals.t2l
Converted File: Visio Network Locations.t2l
Converted File: Visio Network Symbols.t2l
Converted File: Visio Old School Servers.t2l
Converted File: Visio Rackmount Servers.t2l

To import TouchDraw Stencils follow the following:

1. Click on the Library Setup Icon.

2. Select Import Library...
3. Locate your import file
4. Check its imported into the library.

Monday 12 October 2015

Removing unwanted startup applications from OSX with launchd e.g.: Citrix Receiver

After installing Citrix Receiver it would startup without asking on boot / login.  Here is how I removed it:

Locate all launchd items with the following command
launchctl list | grep -v -e ''

PID Status Label
597 0
525 0
522 0
615 0
599 0
520 0
294 0 com.citrix.ServiceRecords
290 0 com.citrix.ReceiverHelper
- 0 com.citrix.AuthManager_Mac

Remove the unwanted startup items e.g.:
sudo launchctl remove com.citrix.ServiceRecords

Additional Info:
Go to the following directory

Remove the unwanted startup items e.g.:
rm com.citrix.*

Friday 4 September 2015

Cleaning up .DS_Store and .apdisk and other (._ files) on OSX CIFS and SMB

After stopping OS X from creating .DS_Store and .apdisk files on CIFS and SMB, here are the commands to clean up the files.

To see the hidden .DS_Store .apdisk and other (._files) use the following command:
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES

To clean up the use of .DS_Store and .apdisk files use the following commands:
sudo find /Volumes/CIFSVOLUME -name ".DS_Store" -depth -exec rm {} \;
sudo find /Volumes/CIFSVOLUME -name ".apdisk" -depth -exec rm {} \;

To clean up other (._files) use the following command:
dot_clean --keep=dotbar /Volumes/CIFSVOLUME

Monday 6 July 2015

FAN noise and no TRIM after modifying iMAC and MacBookPro with SSDs.

Modified my iMAC and MBP with SSD drives on Yosemite 10.10.4:
- MBP with Intel Speed Demon.
- iMAC with Samsung 850 Evo.

- MBP had TRIM disabled.
- iMAC had TRIM disabled
- iMAC fan was going fast.

- Enable native OSX trim:
sudo trimforce enable

- Download software
SSD Fan Control

No need for custom software with Yosemite 10.10.4 and above.  TRIM can be enabled for non Apple SSD drives.

Sunday 21 June 2015

Lync Web Plug-in for OSX

After a fresh install of OS X Yosemite I needed to install the Lync Web Plug-in for MAC.  After downloading LWAPluginInstaller.pkg the install came up with the following error:

"You cannot install Microsoft Lync Web App Plug-in in this location.  The Microsoft Lync Web App Plug-in installer does not allow its software to be installed here."

Click on the "Install for me only" selection again and the error goes away.