Saturday 12 January 2019

macOS High Sierra 10.13.6 Bootable USB key

Needed to rebuild a MAC today and found that the instructions for my last post did not work.  This was because the AppStore now provides only the 19M lightweight internet install and not the full 5G download image.   The instruction to deal with this are below.

Quick Download
1. Download OSX High Sierra from the App Store 19M lightweight file.

Additional Files (This process will now download additional files needed to create USB)
2. Click on the "Install macOS High Sierra" icon found in Launchpad
3. Select the HDD for installation.
4. Wait for the installer to download additional files into root  /macOS Install Data
5. Once the install downloads the files it will ask to restart your MAC.  DO NOT RESTART
6. Click on Install macOS High Sierra, next to apple logo "top left hand"
7. Click on Quit Install macOS

Update the Installer with downloaded files for USB Bootable process
8. Using Finder go to Applications.
9. "Right Click" on Install macOS High Sierra and select "Show Package Contents"
10. Go to Contents and create a directory SharedSupport
11. Copy files from /macOS Install Data into SharedSupport
12. Once done you can create the USB boot key.

Shell Commands
Src Download Install Path: /macOS Install Data
Dest Application Path: /Applications/Install macOS High

$ sudo mkdir /Applications/Install macOS High
$ sudo cp /macOS Install Data/* /Applications/Install macOS High

Create Bootable USB KEY:
$ sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ High\ --volume /Volumes/Untitled