Monday 20 December 2021

Clear recents list in Microsoft Office for MAC. Word Excel Powerpoint

Microsoft Office for MAC 2019 uses recents in Word, Excel and PowerPoint.  There is no option in the MAC version to clear out the whole list and users need to remove the recents one by one using "remove from recents".  Alternatively the following bookmark files can be deleted or renamed:




"Pending Upload" Microsoft Office for MAC 2019

Sometimes the sharepoint / onedrive files get stack with "Pending Upload" in office product like word, excel and powerpoint.

Snoop the files that word/excel/powerpoint is trying to open using:

sudo opensnoop | grep OfficeFileCache

Once the files are identified, delete/move or rename the files from the Cache directory:

~/Library/Containers/\ Support/Microsoft/AppData/Microsoft/Office/16.0/OfficeFileCache/0/0

~/Library/Containers/\ Support/Microsoft/AppData/Microsoft/Office/16.0/OfficeFileCache/0/0

~/Library/Containers/\ Support/Microsoft/AppData/Microsoft/Office/16.0/OfficeFileCache/0/0

PS: Stop all running Apps eg: ClamXAV, LittleSnitch and others to reduce output from opensnoop.

Saturday 12 January 2019

macOS High Sierra 10.13.6 Bootable USB key

Needed to rebuild a MAC today and found that the instructions for my last post did not work.  This was because the AppStore now provides only the 19M lightweight internet install and not the full 5G download image.   The instruction to deal with this are below.

Quick Download
1. Download OSX High Sierra from the App Store 19M lightweight file.

Additional Files (This process will now download additional files needed to create USB)
2. Click on the "Install macOS High Sierra" icon found in Launchpad
3. Select the HDD for installation.
4. Wait for the installer to download additional files into root  /macOS Install Data
5. Once the install downloads the files it will ask to restart your MAC.  DO NOT RESTART
6. Click on Install macOS High Sierra, next to apple logo "top left hand"
7. Click on Quit Install macOS

Update the Installer with downloaded files for USB Bootable process
8. Using Finder go to Applications.
9. "Right Click" on Install macOS High Sierra and select "Show Package Contents"
10. Go to Contents and create a directory SharedSupport
11. Copy files from /macOS Install Data into SharedSupport
12. Once done you can create the USB boot key.

Shell Commands
Src Download Install Path: /macOS Install Data
Dest Application Path: /Applications/Install macOS High

$ sudo mkdir /Applications/Install macOS High
$ sudo cp /macOS Install Data/* /Applications/Install macOS High

Create Bootable USB KEY:
$ sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ High\ --volume /Volumes/Untitled

Wednesday 4 July 2018

Uncompress 7Zip RAR files using CLI on OSX

If you need a CLI version to uncompress 7Zip or RAR files try the following:

Move uncompressed files lsar and unar to /usr/local/bin

(7Zip format)
After pkg installs files 7z 7za 7zr are located in /usr/local/bin

Thursday 11 January 2018

macOS 10.13.X shows Disk Password Login at Boot Time

After a clean install of OSX 10.13.X using Encrypted ADFS, Disk Password login and User login are shown at boot time.  In the past I installed OSX without encrypting the drive and once done used FireVault to enable encryption and that avoided the extra login.  To remove the HDD logon or any other additional user here is the process:

Using FileVault CLI tool list the current users that can unlock the drive: 
sudo fdesetup list -extended

Sample Output:
ESCROW  UUID                                        TYPE USER
A1A1A11A-AAAB-11AA-BBBB-AABB11223344                Unknown User
1A1B1C00-BBBC-22BB-CCCC-AACC55667788                OS User theblogger

Remove the Unknown User:
sudo fdesetup remove -uuid A1A1A11A-AAAB-11AA-BBBB-AABB11223344

Office 2016 for MAC disable online Office365 Add-Ins and Online Popups

If you have Office for MAC 2016 Volume License or Perpetual License here is how to disable network connections to Office 365 Add-Ins.  Steps in this post will stop the login popups trying to connect to when starting up Word, Excel or PowerPoint.


Disable Add-Ins:
defaults write UseOnlineContent -integer 0
defaults write UseOnlineContent -integer 0
defaults write UseOnlineContent -integer 0

Disable User Telemetry:
defaults write SendAllTelemetryEnabled -bool FALSE
defaults write SendAllTelemetryEnabled -bool FALSE
defaults write SendAllTelemetryEnabled -bool FALSE
defaults write SendAllTelemetryEnabled -bool FALSE
defaults write SendAllTelemetryEnabled -bool FALSE
defaults write SendAllTelemetryEnabled -bool FALSE
defaults write SendAllTelemetryEnabled -bool FALSE

Disable Crash Reports:
defaults write IsAttachFilesEnabled -bool FALSE

Enable Crash Reports with Disabled User Telemetry (optional):
defaults write IsMerpEnabled -bool TRUE

Tuesday 20 September 2016

Quick and Simple HTTP Server on OSX using python

First enter the directory that you would like to access over http.
cd ~/Desktop

Execute the following command to access the directory using your web browser on port 8888.
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8888

Alternatively execute the command with root privilege to start the simple http server on port 80.
sudo python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80

Wednesday 14 September 2016

Update IP address on OpenDNS with OSX cli

Next time you need to update the ipaddress within OpenDNS:

curl -u

Wednesday 29 June 2016

OSX El Capitan 10.11.X security tips

After upgrading to OSX El Capitan here are some security tips:

1. Turn off IPV6
networksetup -setv6off Thunderbolt\ Bridge
networksetup -setv6off Wi-Fi

2. Turn off Bonjour 
sudo defaults write /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ ProgramArguments -array-add "-NoMulticastAdvertisements"

3. Turn off saving to iCloud by default
sudo defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSDocumentSaveNewDocumentsToCloud -bool false

4. Read this website for additional info

Monday 27 June 2016

My pick of top 10 apps for 2016 OSX

The idea behind the list is to highlight some top applications that may not be common knowledge.  Here is my top 10 applications for 2016 that deserve attention and in some circumstance my money.

1. Control Plane
2. TextWrangler
3. MindNode

System Maintenance:
4. PurpleTree
5. Duplicates Expert

Security Tools:
6. OTP Manager

Network Tools:
7. WireShark V2 (without quartz)
8. SquidMan

9. 3D Splash
10. VSD Viewer

Outlook 2016 for MAC Multiple Email Profile Identity Control

Outlook 2011 and 2016 are very similar in utilising email profiles. Here is the update on how its now done in Outlook 2016 for MAC.

1. Launch Finder
2. Navigate to Outlook 2016 in Applications 
3. Right click "second click" and select "Show Package Contents"

4. Navigate to /Application/Microsoft

5. Drag and Drop "Outlook Profile" onto the desktop to create a shortcut / Alias link.

6. Launch Outlook Profile Manager

7.  Rename the "Main Identity" to "Work"
8.  Create a new identity by clicking on the [+] button and name it "Home"
9. Now click on button to make the "Home" identity default.

10. Close down Microsoft Database Utility.

The identity is stored in "Yes its 2011 and not 2016 in the path"
/Users/<username>/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2011 Identities

Friday 13 May 2016

Connecting baseflight or cleanflight via USB on Mac OSX Yosemite and El Capitan

One of my bugbear was getting off WinTel and getting baseflight / cleanflight to work in OSX.  The USB would not show up and I could not connect to the flight controller.

Here are the steps:

1. Download Google Chrome web browser.
2. Start up the Google Chrome browser and start the Google Webstore.
3. Search for baseflight or cleanflight.
4. Download / install your preferred app.
5. Download USB driver for your flight controller.
    (CP210x USB to UART Bridge VCP Drivers from Silicon Labs)
    ( driver 4.10.7 works on Yosemite and El Capitan)
6. Install the driver.
7. Check install log 
  /var/log/install.log for errors. (just in case)
8. Check driver code signature 
  codesign -vvvvd /Library/Extensions/SiLabsUSBDriver.kext/ (just in case)
9. Reboot your machine (just in case)
10. Make sure you have a proven DATA + CHARGE USB Cable.
      (preferably one was supplied with the controller. Some cables have CHARGE only or DATA only electrical wiring connections and they will not work.)
11. Connect the MAC with USB Data+Charge cable to your controller.
12. Startup the Application
13. Select /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART  from the drop down list in your app.
14. Select 115200 as speed connection (this may depend on you controller)
15. Connect (DO NOT TRY baseflight and cleanflight at the same time as only one will work at a time)

2016-05-14 @ 11:41:07 -- Running - OS: MacOS, Chrome: 50.0.2661.102, Configurator: 1.2.1
2016-05-14 @ 11:41:09 -- Serial port successfully opened with ID: 4
2016-05-14 @ 11:41:09 -- MultiWii API version received - 1.16.0
2016-05-14 @ 11:41:09 -- Flight controller info, identifier: CLFL, version: 1.12.1
2016-05-14 @ 11:41:09 -- Running firmware released on: Apr 10 2016 19:57:39
2016-05-14 @ 11:41:09 -- Board: AFNA, version: 2
2016-05-14 @ 11:41:09 -- Unique device ID received - 0x11223344556677889900112

16. Once connection test ok, disconnect and perform your firmware upgrade.

Friday 29 April 2016

Solving wget vs curl command on MAC OSX

Quick solution for solving wget.  Login and create the following alias for next time you slip on the keyboard and type in wget.

echo 'alias wget="curl -O"' >> ~/.bash_profile

Thursday 19 November 2015

TouchDraw, Visio for MAC equivalent Libraries / Stencils in .t2l format

TouchDraw (MAC Visio replacement) is relatively unknown and therefore hard to get 3rd party Libraries / Stencils.  Here is a first conversion of a stencil / template into TouchDraw Libraries format .T2L.

Converted File: iOS_7Wireframing_Kit.t2l
Converted File: Visio Network and Peripherals.t2l
Converted File: Visio Network Locations.t2l
Converted File: Visio Network Symbols.t2l
Converted File: Visio Old School Servers.t2l
Converted File: Visio Rackmount Servers.t2l

To import TouchDraw Stencils follow the following:

1. Click on the Library Setup Icon.

2. Select Import Library...
3. Locate your import file
4. Check its imported into the library.

Monday 12 October 2015

Removing unwanted startup applications from OSX with launchd e.g.: Citrix Receiver

After installing Citrix Receiver it would startup without asking on boot / login.  Here is how I removed it:

Locate all launchd items with the following command
launchctl list | grep -v -e ''

PID Status Label
597 0
525 0
522 0
615 0
599 0
520 0
294 0 com.citrix.ServiceRecords
290 0 com.citrix.ReceiverHelper
- 0 com.citrix.AuthManager_Mac

Remove the unwanted startup items e.g.:
sudo launchctl remove com.citrix.ServiceRecords

Additional Info:
Go to the following directory

Remove the unwanted startup items e.g.:
rm com.citrix.*

Friday 4 September 2015

Cleaning up .DS_Store and .apdisk and other (._ files) on OSX CIFS and SMB

After stopping OS X from creating .DS_Store and .apdisk files on CIFS and SMB, here are the commands to clean up the files.

To see the hidden .DS_Store .apdisk and other (._files) use the following command:
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES

To clean up the use of .DS_Store and .apdisk files use the following commands:
sudo find /Volumes/CIFSVOLUME -name ".DS_Store" -depth -exec rm {} \;
sudo find /Volumes/CIFSVOLUME -name ".apdisk" -depth -exec rm {} \;

To clean up other (._files) use the following command:
dot_clean --keep=dotbar /Volumes/CIFSVOLUME

Monday 6 July 2015

FAN noise and no TRIM after modifying iMAC and MacBookPro with SSDs.

Modified my iMAC and MBP with SSD drives on Yosemite 10.10.4:
- MBP with Intel Speed Demon.
- iMAC with Samsung 850 Evo.

- MBP had TRIM disabled.
- iMAC had TRIM disabled
- iMAC fan was going fast.

- Enable native OSX trim:
sudo trimforce enable

- Download software
SSD Fan Control

No need for custom software with Yosemite 10.10.4 and above.  TRIM can be enabled for non Apple SSD drives.

Sunday 21 June 2015

Lync Web Plug-in for OSX

After a fresh install of OS X Yosemite I needed to install the Lync Web Plug-in for MAC.  After downloading LWAPluginInstaller.pkg the install came up with the following error:

"You cannot install Microsoft Lync Web App Plug-in in this location.  The Microsoft Lync Web App Plug-in installer does not allow its software to be installed here."

Click on the "Install for me only" selection again and the error goes away.

Thursday 18 September 2014

WebDAV CIFS SMB NFS and .DS_Store don't mix in a Read/Write secure environment e.g.: Microsoft

Using OSX within a windows environment always has mixed results.  After some quick investigation I had discovered that OSX wants to always create .DS_Store file on both local and remote drives.   .DS_Store is a file that OSX uses to record data about the folder e.g.: view options etc.  Not the most important feature when its locking up / slowing down access. This is caused when you access WebDAV, CIFS, SMB and OSX does not have write access to create the file. 

To fix it open terminal and type the following:
defaults write /Library/Preferences/ ExternalVolumesIgnore -bool true

defaults write DSDontWriteNetworkStores -bool true

defaults write DSDontWriteUSBStores -bool true

Verify the setting:
defaults read

defaults read /Library/Preferences/

Microsoft Office 2011 Updates for MAC

Quick links to Microsoft Office 2011 MAC updates for next time I need to find it in a hurry.

Monday 30 June 2014

Microsoft Lync for MAC 2011 Debugging connection issues

After installing Lync 2011 for MAC I needed to debug why it was not connecting correctly.  Here is how to enable and view debug information.

- Go to Lync Preferences.

- Tick the "Turn on logging for troubleshooting".
- Locate your debug logs in: /Users/myusername/Library/Logs/Microsoft-Lync.log

Saturday 21 June 2014

Outlook 2011 for MAC Identity control

One way to separate your work from home emails is the use of Outlook 2011 for MAC identities with the use of the Microsoft Database Utility

- Launch Outlook 2011 for MAC while holding [OPTION] key
- The following window will come up

- Rename the "Main Identity" to "Work"
- Create a new identity by clicking on the [+] button and name it "Home"
- Now click on button to make the "Home" identity default.

- Close down Microsoft Database Utility.

The identity is stored in:
/Users/<username>/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2011 Identities

Next time outlook is launched it will use a new database with new setting, contact, calendars and emails.  To swap between identities just launch outlook by holding [OPTION] key and set a new default.

Wireshark XQartz and OSX Mavericks 10.9.X

Clean install of OSX Mavericks and its time for first network utility.  Moving from old version of OSX I discovered Mavericks requires a separate installation of X11.

- and download XQuartz a X11 server.
- and download Wireshark network protocol analyser.

- Install both XQuartz and Wireshark in that order.
- Launch Wireshark
- Window will popup asking for X11 installation.
- Select XQuartz

- XQuartz and Wireshark OSX app launched, however wireshark X11 window will NOT pop up.

- Close down wireshark and XQuartz (in that order)
- Start up XQuartz.
- Start up some inbuilt X11 Applications. e.g.: Terminal, Xman, Xlogo.
- Start up Wiresharek again.After about 5 min wireshark X11 window will POP up. 
- After the initial problem wireshark now works every time.

Sunday 25 May 2014

Create OSX 10.9.X bootable install USB

After a few versions of OSX its time to upgrade.

- Start by downloading the OSX install from Appstore.
- Go to Apps Made by Apple.
- Locate the OSX install. In my case OS X Mavericks Version 10.9.3
- Hit download and wait.  The download is visible in the updates tap or in your launchpad. (PS its ~6G)
- Once downloaded installer will ask to install automatically.
- Cancel the installation.

- Next install a 8G (min) USB flash drive and make sure its mounted.
- Go to command shell (Terminal >_)
- Execute the following to get root access
$ sudo bash
Password: ********

- Next execute the command to install OSX onto the USB key.  (in my case /Volume/UNTITLED)
# /Applications/Install\ OS\ X\ --volume /Volumes/UNTITLED --applicationpath /Applications/Install\ OS\ X\

- The installation will start.
Ready to start.
To continue we need to erase the disk at /Volumes/UNTITLED.
If you wish to continue type (Y) then press return: y

- After the USB is erased it will take ~45min (in my case) to build the USB.
Erasing Disk: 0%... 10%... 20%... 30%...100%...
Copying installer files to disk...
Copy complete.
Making disk bootable...
Copying boot files...
Copy complete.

- For more info go to:

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Fusion 4 OVA import using OVF Format Tool

If you running into problems importing OVAs into fusion 4 here are some quick steps to follow:

- Download VMware Open Virtualization Format Tool (ovftool) from Vmware developer center.

- Install the DMG.

- Run the following (online):
$ /Applications/VMware\ OVF\ Tool/ovftool /Users/someuser/Downloads/UCSPE2.2/Cisco_UCS_Platform_Emulator_2.2.1bPE1.ova /Users/someuser/Downloads/UCSPE_Fusion/ucspe.vmx

Opening OVA source: /Users/someuser/Downloads/UCSPE2.2/Cisco_UCS_Platform_Emulator_2.2.1bPE1.ova
The manifest validates
Opening VMX target: /Users/someuser/Downloads/UCSPE_Fusion/ucspe.vmx
Writing VMX file: /Users/someuser/Downloads/UCSPE_Fusion/ucspe.vmx
Transfer Completed                    
Completed successfully

Monday 23 December 2013

Outlook 2011 email search missing

A few weeks back my outlook 2011 search was not returning all the results.  So to fix it I recreated the index file on the local drive.

To list status of the index:
$ sudo mdutil -s -a
Indexing enabled. 
Indexing enabled.

To erase and rebuild index:
$ sudo mdutil -E /Volumes/SSD
Indexing enabled. 

The search spotlight icon in the corner of your mac will have a little dot.

After the rebuild outlook will start to return all the results for email searches.

Saturday 16 November 2013

Capture OSX Screen with screenshot

Almost once a day I take a screenshot of something on my screen.  Here are the commands I use.

Press the following three keys:

[COMMAND]+[SHIFT]+[4]  To capture a screen with crosshair pointer with mouse area selection

[MOUSE CLICK and HOLD] to select the area
[MOUSE CLICK and HOLD] + [SPACE] to position selection
[MOUSE CLICK and HOLD] + [OPTION] to mirror select
[MOUSE CLICK and HOLD] + [SHIFT] to fix one dimension of the selection
[MOUSE CLICK and HOLD] + [ESC] to not capture screen
[MOUSE CLICK and RELEASE] to capture the area

[COMMAND]+[SHIFT]+[3] To capture the whole screen.

The screenshots get dropped into your desktop in PNG format.  So if you don't like it change it like this:

$ defaults write location [enter_path_here]
$ killall SystemUIServer

To change it back:
$ defaults write location ~/Desktop
$ killall SystemUIServer

Monday 9 September 2013

MS Project replacement for OSX MAC

This is a simple MS Project replacement that runs in OSX.  Opens and creates MPP files.  Add this to your tool kit of apps to move away from VMware.

GanttProject - (Open and Create MS Project MPP files) $0

Friday 23 August 2013

Remove OSX Mail inline attachment preview

If you like the attachments to stay as attachments you will need to disable OSX Mail inline preview like this:

$ defaults write DisableInlineAttachmentViewing -bool yes

$ defaults write DisableInlineAttachmentViewing -bool false

Sunday 18 August 2013

Outlook for Mac 2011 unread email fix

If your having trouble identifying unread emails this may be a good little fix.  However every time microsoft updates the office for mac 2011 you will have to re apply the mod.

Go to location:
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft

Replace Files:

OSX free up memory

In my travels I have discovered the purge command in OSX.  It forces disk cache to be purged (flushed and emptied).

man purge
