Tuesday 20 September 2016

Quick and Simple HTTP Server on OSX using python

First enter the directory that you would like to access over http.
cd ~/Desktop

Execute the following command to access the directory using your web browser on port 8888.
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8888

Alternatively execute the command with root privilege to start the simple http server on port 80.
sudo python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80

Wednesday 14 September 2016

Update IP address on OpenDNS with OSX cli

Next time you need to update the ipaddress within OpenDNS:

curl -u user@email.com:PassWord https://updates.opendns.com/nic/update

Wednesday 29 June 2016

OSX El Capitan 10.11.X security tips

After upgrading to OSX El Capitan here are some security tips:

1. Turn off IPV6
networksetup -setv6off Thunderbolt\ Bridge
networksetup -setv6off Wi-Fi

2. Turn off Bonjour 
sudo defaults write /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.mDNSResponder ProgramArguments -array-add "-NoMulticastAdvertisements"

3. Turn off saving to iCloud by default
sudo defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSDocumentSaveNewDocumentsToCloud -bool false

4. Read this website for additional info

Monday 27 June 2016

My pick of top 10 apps for 2016 OSX

The idea behind the list is to highlight some top applications that may not be common knowledge.  Here is my top 10 applications for 2016 that deserve attention and in some circumstance my money.

1. Control Plane
2. TextWrangler
3. MindNode

System Maintenance:
4. PurpleTree
5. Duplicates Expert

Security Tools:
6. OTP Manager

Network Tools:
7. WireShark V2 (without quartz)
8. SquidMan

9. 3D Splash
10. VSD Viewer

Outlook 2016 for MAC Multiple Email Profile Identity Control

Outlook 2011 and 2016 are very similar in utilising email profiles. Here is the update on how its now done in Outlook 2016 for MAC.

1. Launch Finder
2. Navigate to Outlook 2016 in Applications 
3. Right click "second click" and select "Show Package Contents"

4. Navigate to /Application/Microsoft Outlook.app/Contents/SharedSupport

5. Drag and Drop "Outlook Profile Manager.app" onto the desktop to create a shortcut / Alias link.

6. Launch Outlook Profile Manager

7.  Rename the "Main Identity" to "Work"
8.  Create a new identity by clicking on the [+] button and name it "Home"
9. Now click on button to make the "Home" identity default.

10. Close down Microsoft Database Utility.

The identity is stored in "Yes its 2011 and not 2016 in the path"
/Users/<username>/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2011 Identities

Friday 13 May 2016

Connecting baseflight or cleanflight via USB on Mac OSX Yosemite and El Capitan

One of my bugbear was getting off WinTel and getting baseflight / cleanflight to work in OSX.  The USB would not show up and I could not connect to the flight controller.

Here are the steps:

1. Download Google Chrome web browser.
2. Start up the Google Chrome browser and start the Google Webstore.
3. Search for baseflight or cleanflight.
4. Download / install your preferred app.
5. Download USB driver for your flight controller.
    (CP210x USB to UART Bridge VCP Drivers from Silicon Labs)
    (Mac_OSX_VCP_Driver.zip driver 4.10.7 works on Yosemite and El Capitan)
6. Install the driver.
7. Check install log 
  /var/log/install.log for errors. (just in case)
8. Check driver code signature 
  codesign -vvvvd /Library/Extensions/SiLabsUSBDriver.kext/ (just in case)
9. Reboot your machine (just in case)
10. Make sure you have a proven DATA + CHARGE USB Cable.
      (preferably one was supplied with the controller. Some cables have CHARGE only or DATA only electrical wiring connections and they will not work.)
11. Connect the MAC with USB Data+Charge cable to your controller.
12. Startup the Application
13. Select /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART  from the drop down list in your app.
14. Select 115200 as speed connection (this may depend on you controller)
15. Connect (DO NOT TRY baseflight and cleanflight at the same time as only one will work at a time)

2016-05-14 @ 11:41:07 -- Running - OS: MacOS, Chrome: 50.0.2661.102, Configurator: 1.2.1
2016-05-14 @ 11:41:09 -- Serial port successfully opened with ID: 4
2016-05-14 @ 11:41:09 -- MultiWii API version received - 1.16.0
2016-05-14 @ 11:41:09 -- Flight controller info, identifier: CLFL, version: 1.12.1
2016-05-14 @ 11:41:09 -- Running firmware released on: Apr 10 2016 19:57:39
2016-05-14 @ 11:41:09 -- Board: AFNA, version: 2
2016-05-14 @ 11:41:09 -- Unique device ID received - 0x11223344556677889900112

16. Once connection test ok, disconnect and perform your firmware upgrade.

Friday 29 April 2016

Solving wget vs curl command on MAC OSX

Quick solution for solving wget.  Login and create the following alias for next time you slip on the keyboard and type in wget.

echo 'alias wget="curl -O"' >> ~/.bash_profile